Legal Separation
Buffalo Legal Separation Attorney
What Makes You Legally Separated in New York?
For many couples, a legal separation is a decision that allows them to take a step back in their marriage without going through a divorce. Adding extra breathing room can be a great way to work out issues without feeling rushed to end a marriage entirely. On the contrary, a legal separation can be what convinces a couple that divorce really is what they want the most to be happy again.
Are you and your spouse feeling caught in a loop of feeling unhappy with your marriage but also not wanting to end it? Legal separation is probably the right choice for you. Come to DePrima Law in Buffalo to discover the many benefits of legal separation. With an extensive background as a mediator and co-parenting coach, Attorney Gina DePrima can take a holistic approach to your separation, helping you and your spouse see the path of least resistance and most satisfaction.
Reasons to Consider Legal Separation
Most people assume the only way to resolve significant marriage conflicts is to file for divorce. The truth is they just do not know about legal separation. If they did, they would probably consider it first.
Why do people choose to file for legal separation instead of divorce?
- Religious reasons: It is common for people to choose legal separation if they are staunchly against divorce due to their religious beliefs. Since a legal separation can function very much like a divorce without officially ending a marriage, the end result can be appreciated in much the same way.
- Hope of reconciliation: Another common reason for legal separation is an uncertainty that the marriage is actually over and beyond “repair.” Ending any marriage, even one that feels conflicted and unhappy, can be an intimidating thought. If there is any hope of reconciliation, making things work, and growing close again, then legal separation is a great substitute for a divorce.
- Health insurance benefits: In other situations, a married couple would suffer significant financial losses if they divorced due to the insurance benefits they gained through marriage. For example, health insurance plans for married couples usually include better coverage for a better price, especially when provided through an employer. Legally separating will not severe those benefits but will effectively divorce the couple.
Family Law

Our firm handles the following family law cases and more:
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DePrima Law, PC
2810 Sweet Home Road,
Suite 1
Amherst, NY 14228
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